Judaism is the religion that consists of obeying all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah).


All human beings were created by God.


Therefore, all the human beings must obey the commandments of the Law of God (Torah).


So, all the human beings, of all the nations, must convert to Judaism.


Those who follow polytheistic religions do not obey all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah), because it is written in the Law of God (Torah), in Exodus 20:3 and 22:19 (in the Christian Bibles it is 22:20), that God commanded that we do not have other gods before him, and that we do not worship any god, except He only.


Those who follow the Christianity do not obey all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah), because they say that Jesus the Nazarene is God, and therefore they have two gods, God and Jesus the Nazarene, and thus they violate the commandments of God, that are in Exodus 20:3 and 22:19 (or 22:20) , in which God commanded that we do not have other gods before him and that we do not worship any god, except He only. Jesus the Nazarene cannot be God, because God is the creator of all things, and Jesus the Nazarene was a man, and the man is a creature, and it is completely impossible the creature to be the creator. This is a logical impossibility.


Moreover, the Christians do not obey the commandment of God, that is in Leviticus chapter 11, in which God commanded that we do not eat the unclean animals, among which are the pig, the camel, the rabbit, the hare, the ostrich, the fishes without scales, the shrimp, the lobster, the crab, the squid, the octopus, the mussel and the oyster, and they also do not obey the commandment of God, that is in Exodus 20:8-11, in which God commanded that we do not work in the seventh day of the week, that is Saturday.


The Christians do not obey various commandments of the Law of God (Torah), because they believe that the books of the New Testament are part of the Bible and are inspired by God, and in the books of the New Testament it is written that it is not necessary to obey various commandments of God.


However, the books of the New Testament are not part of the true Holy Bible and are not inspired by God, because in them there are words that contradict the words that God had already spoken before, which are written in the books of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh).


For example: It is written in the Bible, in Genesis 17:9-14, Exodus 12:48-49 and Leviticus 12:3, that God commanded that all men be circumcised and, however, it is written in the New Testament, in Galatians 5:2, that Paul of Tarsus commanded that we do not do the circumcision.


Another example: It is written in the Bible, in Leviticus 11:1-30, that God commanded that we do not eat the unclean animals, among which are the pig, the rabbit, the hare, the camel, the ostrich, the fish without scales, the shrimp, the lobster, the crab, the squid, the octopus, the mussels and the oysters and, however, it is written in the New Testament, in Romans 14:14 and 14:20 and in 1 Timothy 4:1-4, that Paul of Tarsus said that everything is clean, and that it is allowed to eat anything.


Another example: It is written in the Bible, in Exodus 20:8-11, that God commanded that we do not work on the seventh day of the week, which is the Saturday and, however, it is written in the New Testament, in Colossians 2:16, that Paul of Tarsus said that it is not necessary to keep the Saturday.


Another example: It is written in the Bible, in Deuteronomy 6:4, that God is one, and it is written in the Bible, in Isaiah 45:5, that God said that there is no other God besides him and, however, the New Testament, in John 1:1-3 and 1:14 and 30:10 and Romans 9:5 and Philippians 2:6, says that Jesus the Nazarene is God, contradicting what God had already said before.


The Christians, because they believe in the false sacred books of the New Testament, worship Jesus the Nazarene as if he were God, and thus they violate the commandments of God, that are in Exodus 20:3 and 22:19 (or 22:20).


The Christians say that Jesus the Nazarene is the Messiah, but they are mistaken, because Jesus the Nazarene is not the Messiah. The Christians misinterpreted the prophecies that are in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh). The messiah prince mentioned in Daniel 9:25-26 is not the Messiah son of David, but rather a priest ruler, because the priests also are anointed, and anointed is synonymous with messiah, and in Daniel 9:26 it is written that after the threescore and two weeks the messiah shall be cut off, and he shall not have, what means that the mentioned messiah will not have the kingship. The messiah prince mentioned in Daniel 9:25-26 was King Antigonus II Mattathias, who was High Priest and king of Judea from 40 BCE to 37 BCE, and was decapitated by the Romans in 37 BCE. For more details on this subject, see the page .


Those who follow Islam do not obey all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah), because they do not obey the commandment of God, that is in Leviticus 11:4, in which God commanded that we do not eat the camel, and they also do not obey the commandment of God, that is in Exodus 20:8-11, in which God commanded that we do not work on the seventh day of the week, which is Saturday.


The Muslims do not obey various commandments of God because they were deceived by the false prophet Muhammad (Mohammed), who, in the Qur'an (Koran), presented as Law of God a law different from the Law that God had already given before, through the prophet Moses, which is written in the Bible.


Muhammad (Mohammed) was a false prophet, because he spoke words which contradict the words that God had already spoken before, through the prophet Moses and the other prophets mentioned in the Bible.


For example: Muhammad (Mohammed), in the Qur'an, said that it is allowed to eat the camel (Qur’an, 22:36), when God had already said before, through the prophet Moses, that it is forbidden to eat the camel (Leviticus 11:4).


Another example: Muhammad (Mohammed), in the Qur’an (Koran), said that the holy day is the sixth day of the week (Qur'an, 62:9), when God had already said before, through the prophet Moses, that the holy day is the seventh day of the week (Exodus 20:8-11).


Another example: Muhammad (Mohammed), in the Qur'an, said that the place chosen by God to be His sanctuary is the Kaaba, in Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, when God had already said before, through His prophets, that the place that He chose to be His sanctuary is the Temple that was built by King Solomon, on Mount Moriah (the Temple Mount), in Jerusalem (Deuteronomy 12:5 and 1 Kings 9:3).


There is a mistaken doctrine that says that only those who are sons of Jews must obey all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah), and that the other human beings do not need to obey all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah), but only seven commandments, that they call “the seven laws of Noah”.


However, that doctrine is mistaken, because it is written in Exodus 12:49 and in Numbers 15:15-16 that God said that his Law is the same for the natives in Israel (those who are sons of Jews) and for the strangers (those who are not sons of Jews).


Therefore, we see that all persons, of all the nations, who follow other religions, must convert to Judaism, and start to obey all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah).


Judaism is also called “Yirat Yahveh” (fear of Yahveh).


For more details on this subject, see the following pages:


Yahveh bless you.


João Paulo Fernandes Pontes (Hebrew name: Yochanan Ben Yosef).


E-mail: .


Published in March 12, 2012.


Updated in January 6, 2015.






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