There is no Israeli apartheid, because the Palestinians can convert to Judaism.


Any person, of any race, color, ethnicity or religion, can convert to Judaism.


And all persons, of all races, and of all religions, must convert to Judaism, because it is written in Numbers 15:15-16 that all human beings must obey the commandments of God, that are in His Law (Torah), and Judaism is the only religion which says that it is necessary to obey all the commandments of God, that are in His Law (Torah).


God created the People of Israel to be His people, who obey His commandments, because all the nations of the world had deviated from His ways, and ceased to obey His commandments, as did Noah and the first generation after the Deluge.


God gave to Israel all the Land of Canaan, in which is included the so called Palestine (Genesis 12:6-7, 15:13-21, 17:1-8, 17:19, 26:1-5, 28:10-14 and 35:9-12 and Numbers 34:13-29 and Deuteronomy 3:8), and commanded Israel to possess this land (Numbers 33:50-53 and Deuteronomy 1:8 and 30:5) and to expel its inhabitants (Numbers 33:52).


Therefore, the State of Israel must annex the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and must expel from its territory all the inhabitants of the Land of Israel who refuse to convert to Judaism, and to obey all the commandments of God, that are in His Law (Torah), that is written in the first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy).


But this is not racism, because any person, of any race, color, ethnicity or religion, can convert to Judaism.


The State of Israel must be a Holy State, which fulfils the Law of God (Torah), because God commanded Israel to be a holy nation, and a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:5-6).


Therefore, any person can reside in Israel, provided that this person convert to Judaism (if he or she is not yet Jewish), but any person who is not Jewish or does not want to convert to Judaism, or does not want to obey the commandments of God, that are in His Law (Torah, the five first books of the Bible) must leave Israel, if he or she resides in Israel, or must not be allowed to remain in Israel, if he or she does not reside in Israel.


But, as I have already said, this is not racism, because any person, of any race, color, ethnicity or religion, can convert to Judaism.


Yahveh bless you.


João Paulo Fernandes Pontes (Hebrew name: Yochanan Ben Yosef).


Published in November 27, 2011.


Updated in November 29, 2011.






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