The word CHRIST is an adaptation to English of the Greek word CHRISTOS, which means ANOINTED.


CHRIST is synonymous of MESSIAH, because the word MESSIAH is an adaptation to English of the Hebrew word MASHIACH, which means ANOINTED.


The Hebrew word MASHIACH was adapted to English as MESSIAH.


Anoint means to spill oil on, or to rub oil on. Therefore, ANOINTED is somebody on whom oil was spilled, or somebody on whom oil was rubbed.


In the original text of the Tanach (Old Testament), in Hebrew, the word MASHIACH is used to assign people who have been anointed to exert some function.


The priest is called MASHIACH (Leviticus 4:3), because he was ANOINTED to exert the function of priest (Exodus 30:30).


The king of Israel is also called MASHIACH, because he was ANOINTED to exert the function of king (1 Samuel 10:1 and 16:13).


When the translation of the Tanach (Old Testament) to the Greek was made, where it appeared the word MASHIACH, it was translated into CHRISTOS.


In Psalms 2:2, the Hebrew word MASHIACH is translated as ANOINTED, but it could also be translated as MESSIAH, or as CHRIST.


In Psalms 2, the word MASHIACH is used to designate the one who will be the King of Israel, and King of Kings of all the nations, in the end time.


The words MASHIACH, MESSIAH, CHRIST and ANOINTED, are synonymous.


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Yahveh bless you.


João Paulo Fernandes Pontes (Hebrew name: Yochanan Ben Yosef).


Published in October 11, 2007.


Updated in June 29, 2014.






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