The rabbis say that the non Jews do not need to fulfill to all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah), but only seven commandments, that they call “the seven laws of Noah”. 


They say that these seven laws were given by God to the children of Noah, that is, to all the humankind, and that the non Jews who live in accordance with these seven laws are righteous gentiles and will have a place in the World to Come (‘Olam Haba). 


However, this doctrine of the rabbis is not correct, because it is written in the Torah, in Exodus 12:49 and Numbers 15:15-16, that God said that His Law is the same for the natives in Israel and for the strangers, what proves that all the human beings, of all nations, must obey all the commandments of God, that are in His Law (Torah). 


Moreover, in Isaiah 56:3 and 56:6-7 it is written that the sons of strangers who join themselves to God keep the Shabbat and adhere to the pact of God, and God considers them part of His people, and they can enter the Temple of God, and their holocausts and sacrifices will be accepted by God, and that the Temple of God will be called house of prayer for all peoples, and it is written in Ezekiel 44:9, that God said that no son of stranger, uncircumcised of heart and uncircumcised of flesh, shall enter into His sanctuary, what proves that all the non Jews who want to join God must obey all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah), and must adhere to the pact of God, making the circumcision, and must become part of the people of God, that is the people of Israel. 


Therefore, it is verified that all the persons, of all nations, must convert to Judaism, starting to obey all the commandments of the Law of God (Torah). 


The strangers mentioned in Deuteronomy 14:21 are those non Jews who refuse to join God and to obey His commandments, and the strangers mentioned in Isaiah 56:3 and 56:6-7 are the non Jews who join God and start to obey all His commandments, that are in His Law (Torah), and thus convert to Judaism and start to be part of the people of God, that is the people of Israel.


Yahveh bless you.


João Paulo Fernandes Pontes (Hebrew name: Yochanan Ben Yosef).


Published in February 23, 2012.


Updated in April 4, 2017.






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