It is written in the Torah, in Exodus 12:49 and in Numbers 15:15-16, that God said that there must be one law and one ordinance for the Israelite and for the stranger who resides in the Land of Israel.


So, the stranger who resides in the Land of Israel must obey the commandments of God that are in the Torah, in other words, must convert to Judaism.


Therefore, in Israel, the strangers who do not want to obey the commandments of God that are in the Torah, in other words, who do not want to convert to Judaism, must not be allowed to reside in the Land of Israel, and must be expelled from the Land of Israel if they do not leave spontaneously at the end of the time of their permanence for the purpose for which they entered the country.


In the Torah, the stranger who does not want to convert do God (converting to God is the same as converting to Judaism) is called “the stranger who is in your gates” (in Hebrew: hager asher bishe’areikha  הגר אשר בשעריך) (Deuteronomy 14:21), what means the stranger who cannot reside in the Land of Israel, can only stay at the gates of the cities, and the stranger who wants to convert do God (convert to Judaism) is called “the stranger who resides with you” (in Hebrew: hager hagar itkhem הגר הגר אתכם).


So, the State of Israel must expel from the country all the strangers who do not want to convert to Judaism.


The so called “Israeli Arabs” are strangers, because they are not Jews, because they did not convert to Judaism.


The current law of the State of Israel considers citizens the so called “Israeli Arabs”, but in fact, according to the Torah (Law of God), they are not citizens of the State of Israel, because the Torah considers citizens of Israel only those who were born Jews and those who converted to Judaism (Exodus 12:48).


Therefore, the State of Israel must amend its law, in order to consider stranger all non-Jews who reside in the Land of Israel, including the Arabs.


This is not racism, because any person, of any race or color, may convert to Judaism.


So, the State of Israel must expel from its territory all the Arabs who do not want to convert to Judaism.


Yahveh bless you.


João Paulo Fernandes Pontes.


Published in July 10, 2011.


Updated in January 24, 2012.






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